You are priceless.
How did reading that sentence feel? Did you have feelings of doubt come up? What about suspicion? Any anger, dismissal or sadness?
If you did, you are not alone for many people do not recognize their value.
Have you seen the television program Antique Roadshow? On this program a wide variety of unimaginable items are displayed and experts from all sorts of fields come and appraise them. The general premise of the show is the surprise from the item’s owners on the true value of the piece. Some items are worth exorbitant amounts of money yet were unknowingly found discounted on a community garage sale table; their value unrecognized and unappreciated by the original owner.
Do you at times feel like that discounted item?
Unrecognized value kills dreams by stopping you from:
- Asking for that promotion or speaking up at work
- Initiating a conversation with someone who interests you
- Challenging yourself and learning something new
- Entering or ending a relationship
- Doing what scares you
- Letting someone see the real you.
Real value is in the eyes of the beholder and seeing value in yourself is crucial to success.
Hypnosis helps you remove the misconceptions and lies that prevent you from recognizing your own value and worth. You can gain the confidence you need to do be what you were meant to be and create the life you dream of.